Postskatebordism and are we a band?
The aim of the first "MICRO CONGRESS URBAN PASSION" was the founding of the network, to introduce the members to each other, to issue a manifesto, which charts the common agenda for the future: How to incorporate passion and power, mainstream and alternative media, urban research and urban development in a progressive way?

If we have the passion, when do we fuck?
The conference took place at the “plattenbau” in Neue Grünstraße 20 in Berlin. The great congress hall provided the inspiring atmosphere for collective brainstorms, passionate discussions and constructive exchange. The participants told about their personal passion for the urban and how they see themselves within the network.

(tore dobberstein)
After the personal passion pitches (pecha kucha style short presentations) the goals, the way of organisation of the network and possible next projects were discussed.

Peter Bjerg introduced the term "skateboardism", meaning that whenever it comes to the depiction of alternative, vibrant urban culture you see skateboards and halfpipes. How to overcome this possible narrowmindedness and create concepts which can encompass also different groups of urban users?

After the congress a vernissage was showing first results, outcomes, discussions to invited friends.

PETER BJERG, Political Science, Democrat, Copenhagen
CENK BORA, Publicist, Berlin, Istanbul
TORE DOBBERSTEIN, Urban developer, Berlin
BENNY JEPSEN, Urban activist, Copenhagen
BENJAMIN KOHLSTADT, Geographer, Berlin
CARLOS KRÄUSSLEIN, Art director, Berlin
MADS PETER LAURSEN, Urban activist, Copenhagen
MARCUS MÜLLER-WITTE, Filmmaker, Photographer, Berlin
MARTIN SCHWEGMANN, Architect, Berlin
Reason tells stories, but passion urges us for action!
Antoine Comte de Rivarol
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