Thursday, September 3, 2015
Reminder - Open Call for "Actors of Urban Change" ends on September 13, 2015
Gepostet von
Martin Schwegmann
11:11 AM
Labels: Actors of Urban Change, cross sectoral collaboration, participation, sustainable urban development
Monday, June 8, 2015
Actors of Urban Change Exhibition at Make City Festival Berlin
Berlin is waiting for the Make City Festival, starting on Thursday, June 11. A first highlight: The VERNISSAGE of the Actors of Urban Change exhibition (June 11, 7 p.m.).
Only shortly displayed during the Closing Ceremony a month ago, the
exhibition will now be open to the wider public in the Collaboratorium
until June 28. If you are in Berlin, come by to discover the projects
that have been implemented by the 10 local Actors teams all over Europe.
Opening hours:
weekdays: 10:00-15:00
weekends: 11:00-16:00
requests for extended opening hours to
On the 23rd of June a Studio Talk will discuss the question what culture can contribute to sustainable urban development and what are the potentials and limits of the collaboration between administrations, civil society and the private sector.
with Andreas Krüger (Belius Foundation), Prof. Philipp Misselwitz (TU Berlin), Matthias Einhoff (ZKU/Berlin), Prof. Kaya Pogacar (University Maribor/Slovenia) and Loucas Vitalitas, (Architect and Urbanist, Athens/Greece) - Moderation: Dr. Martin Schwegmann

Gepostet von
Martin Schwegmann
8:05 PM
Labels: Actors of Urban Change, exhibition, lectures, urban intervention
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Istanbul and the Grassroots
Urban Transformations and Urban Social Movements
Lecture at University of Cambridge, Cities Seminar - CRASSH,
November 19, 17:30
- 19:30
Gepostet von
Martin Schwegmann
12:54 AM
Labels: Cambridge, Cities Seminar, CRASSH, Gezi Park, Istanbul, lectures, Urban Transformation
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Internationale Sommerschule Berlin / San Juan, Puerto Rico (USA)
Gepostet von
Martin Schwegmann
9:38 PM
Labels: Puerto Rico, simmel centre, summer school, urban pioneers, workshop
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
06 Dec 12 // urbanoFILMS#23 // Markthalle Neun Berlin
reblogged from disurban
Istanbul zwischen Graffiti und Gentrifizierung
urbanoFILMS#23 am 6. Dezember 2012 in der Markthalle Neun Kreuzberg // 19:30 Uhr
Am Donnerstag, den 6. Dezember 2012 um 19.30 Uhr präsentieren urbanophil und das Stadtlabor der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin den Dokumentarfilm »Urbanbugs – A Street Art Documentary« des türkischen Regisseurs Aykut Alp Ersoy. Bei der anschliessenden Diskussion auf Deutsch/Englisch mit dem Architekten Martin Schwegmann und der Kunsthistorikerin Ayse Nur Erek werden Fragen nach der Rolle urbaner Interventionen, wie zum Beispiel Graffiti oder StreetArt, und den aktuellen Tendenzen der Stadtentwicklung Istanbuls diskutiert.Dabei soll geklärt werden, inwieweit (Graffiti-)KünstlerInnen zur Aufwertung von Stadtteilen Istanbuls beitragen. Die Diskussion wird moderiert von Heike Oevermann und Eszter Gantner (beide HU Berlin). Die Veranstaltung ist eine in Kooperation mit dem Georg-Simmel-Zentrum für Metropolenforschung (GSZ) der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und wird von der Vereinigung für Stadt-, Regional- und Landesplanung (SRL) unterstützt
Markthalle Neun // Eisenbahnstraße 42/43 und Pücklerstraße 34 // 10997 Berlin
>> mehr Information HIER
Urbanbugs / Intro-Trailer from Aykut Alp Ersoy on Vimeo.
Gepostet von
Martin Schwegmann
8:52 AM
Labels: gentrification, Graffiti, HU Berlin, Istanbul, lectures, urbanophil
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Istanbul and the Grassroots - Open Lecture
text from
By Johanna Svensson
Martin Schwegmann, Architect and Urban Designer from Humboldt University, Berlin will hold an open lecture with the title "Istanbul and the Grassroots – Civil Society Organizations, Local Politics and Urban Transformation" at Malmö University next Friday.
What is your lecture about?
- The lecture will be about new and newly organized civil society actors in Istanbul reacting towards current trends in urban development. Istanbul is undergoing, like many other big cities in Turkey, a major paradigm shift towards a neoliberal urban agenda since the early 2000s. Rightful and de facto owners are getting expropriated, resettled and their houses demolished because of new sources of capital are trying to find ways into the often ambiguous land market in Istanbul. In this climate local and national active civil society groups emerge and struggle to find a common voice against the unjust developments.
Who should listen to the lecture in your opinion?
- Everybody who is interested in examples of neoliberal urbanization patterns and civil society mobilization. It is probably not possible to “learn” something directly for Malmoe or northern Europe. Much more the lecture will give an idea of the urban background/experience of some migrant populations and also demystify informal urban development/Gecekondu to a certain extend.
Picture by Martin Schwegmann, taken on the Asian side of the Bosphorus in Istanbul in the district of Maltepe, from the neighborhood of Basibüyük towards Gülsuyu/Gülensu showing characteristic phases of urban development in Istanbul.
You have founded a network called "Urban passion", what is it and why did you start it?
-I founded Urban passion in order to find a way to frame my activities in the realm of urbanism together with friends and partners. I see Urban passion as a way of connecting the often diverse activities connected to the city. At the same time Urban passion is a platform and an open network for short termed and non bureaucratic cooperation. Urban passion also is a source of inspiration and discussion for my personal practice.
Gepostet von
Martin Schwegmann
11:34 AM
Labels: Istanbul, lectures, Malmö, research, urban research
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Book Launch - Ambivalent Spaces

Between 1928 and 1978, the so called “superblocks”, “superquadras”, “habitation units” "Plattenbauten" or “residenciales públicos” – among other names in different languages- were celebrated as instruments for the social progress of the urban slum dwellers. And indeed, the modern social housing projects took care of the housing necessities of the sectors impoverished by modernity. For politicians, architects and urban planners alike, the modern residential developments were a biopolitical utopia bring forth. If so, why these communities frequently turned into ghettos? How “superblocks” came to be a synonym of marginality, otherness and contempt? It is social housing a vain attempt of human transformations? For many scholars, the "projects" are just a colossal landscape of a Nation State failure. For others, what has terribly failed is the competence of architecture as a techne of social ordering.
The book was launched at pro-qm bookshop in Berlin June 19th 2012 by Francisco Javier Rodríguez, Dean, University of Puerto Rico School of Architecture, and the editors Jorge Lizardi Pollock and Martin Schwegmann.
Gepostet von
Martin Schwegmann
11:01 AM
Labels: Berlin, Habana, Istanbul, publications, Puerto Rico, research, simmel centre, Warsaw
Friday, March 16, 2012
Gefühlte Stadt - gefühlte Schrumpfung?
Phänomenologische Perspektiven auf schrumpfende Städte
english below, but input and discussion in German only
Gespräch im Rahmen der Reihe Grenzgänger des Georg Simmel Zentrums für Metropolenforschung/Graduates Studies Group
Ort: Mohrenstraße 41, Raum 415 Zeit: 19:00 Uhr
Impuls: Lars Frers und Tore Dobberstein (complizen Planungsbüro)
Moderation: Martin Schwegmann (GSG)
Konzeption: Inga Haese und Martin Schwegmann
Text von
Felt City - Felt Shrinkage?
a phenomenological perspective on shrinking cities
Discussion within the Series Grenzgänger of Georg Simmel Centre of Metropolitan Studies/Graduates Studies Group
Place: Mohrenstraße 41, Room 415 Time: 19:00 Uhr
Impuls: Lars Frers and Tore Dobberstein (complizen Planungsbüro)
Moderation: Martin Schwegmann (GSG)
Conception: Inga Haese und Martin Schwegmann
Text translated according to
Gepostet von
Martin Schwegmann
2:05 PM
Labels: Berlin, Halle/Saale, HU Berlin, lectures, shrinking cities
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Istanbul Urban Research Blog
In the course of my PhD Dissertation I prepared a blog on the topic of Urban Transformation in Istanbul in order to sort and connect to the various online resrources I found and am constantly discovering. Furthermore I will share first outcomes of the particular topic of the Dissertation, namely what kind of Civil Society Organizations emerge and are active in the face of Urban Transformation in Istanbul since the 2000s and how they organize and which repertoire of resistance they potentially employ.
Martin Schwegmann, Berlin, the 20th of December
Gepostet von
Martin Schwegmann
12:47 PM
Labels: Basibüyük, Fener Balat Ayvansaray, gecekondu, gentrification, Gülsuyu-Gülensu, Istanbul, Kaghitane, research, Sulukule, Tarlabasi, urban informality, urban research
Sunday, October 23, 2011
The initiative STADT-NEUDENKEN (Rethink the city - of Berlin) has drafted a position paper which wants to promote a new way of dealing with public owned real estate in Berlin (Liegenschaften).
At the moment and for the last 10 years, the Liegenschaftsfond Berlin is the institution administrating and marketing the city owned real estate properties. So far the policy was to sell everything for the highest prize possible. After ten years it realzied 2.6 billion Euros in selling city owned properties. But Berlin has some 62 billon Euro depts. So it seems not realistic that the selling of the city owned real estate can contribute significantly to any substantial debt relief of the city. Under this circumstances especially it becomes obvious that a more farsighted and sustainable policy is urgently needed, which looks at use concepts for public real estates which are local and long lasting, interesting, experimental and thus can develop something which cannot be foreseen. We strongly support this position paper and want to encourage the new city government to go for a daring city policy and local approach which would possibly maintain the special character of the city better than any "Be Berlin" campaign!
Urban Passion, October 2011
Gepostet von
Martin Schwegmann
11:41 PM
Labels: attitude, Berlin, participation, sustainable urban development
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Urbane Transformation und Widerstand
(Eintritt frei)
Movie Screening Istanbul:
Urban Transformation and Resistance
Monday, 19th of September at 7 pm
Multilayerladen, Adalbertstr. 4
(Free entry)

1.„no pass to demolition“ (Beksav)
3.„Göc“ (Migration) (IMECE)
4.„Istanbul is naked“ (Zafer Bicen)
İstanbul Çıplak - Istanbul Is Naked from Kara Bayrak on Vimeo.
Reportage in "der Spiegel":,1518,787048,00.html
Gepostet von
Martin Schwegmann
10:47 AM
Labels: gecekondu, gentrification, Istanbul, Kaghitane, movie, Sulukule
Movie Night at Babylon Mitte
In the series "New German Movie" Babylon Mitte shows:
Sulukule Roman Orchestra, Ede Müller, 2009, 8 min
The last days of Sulukule, Naomi Steuer, 2010, 42 min
Moderation: Martin Schwegmann, Urban Researcher
from the local Press:
"Die letzten Tage von Sulukule
zitty-Kritik 18/2011
Neuer deutscher Film: Die letzten Tage von Sulukule und Sulukule Roman Orchestra
Sulukule war das älteste Roma-Viertel Istanbuls. Ein lukratives Gebiet für die Stadtplaner, und so begannen 2006 der Abriss und die Umsiedlung der Bewohner, um neue Luxusapartments zu
errichten. Im Babylon Mitte werden nun zwei Dokumentarfilme gezeigt, die sich mit der Zerstörung des Weltkulturerbes der Roma in Istanbul befassen. Naomi Steuer begleitet in „Die letzten Tage von Sulukule“ Roma, die in den Ruinen ausharren bis zum Schluss. Sie wollen ihre Heimat nicht verlassen, denn hier standen die Vergnügungshäuser, in denen ihre Musik gespielt wurde. Eine einst lebendige Kultur, die auch in Ede Müllers Kurzfilm „Sulukule Roman Orchestra“ beleuchtet wird. Das Orchester wurde 2006 im Zuge der Proteste gegen den Abriss gegründet, um die musikalische Tradition der Roma am Leben zu erhalten. Zwei Zeitdokumente – 2010 wurden die letzten Häuser abgerissen, in dem Jahr, in dem Istanbul Kulturhauptstadt Europas war. Neben den Regisseuren wird auch der Istanbuler Stadtforscher und Publizist Orhan Esen anwesend sein.
Su-Zien Kim"
(Anmerkung UP: Statt Orhan Esen übernahm Martin Schwegmann von Urban Passion die Moderation)
Gepostet von
Martin Schwegmann
10:47 AM
The plants are restless - The future of a market garden in Berlin
Hilmar Poganatz (Journalist) and Martin Schwegmann (Architect, Urbanist) have published an article in the second issue of the magazin "THE Weekender", Magazin for insights and excursions.
The former districts market garden in Berlin-Lichtenberg runs wild since 2006. Its future is uncertain. Will its potentials for a sustainable development of the city be used or will it be sold for yet another housing development. On a visit in a contested Jungle amidst the great city.
Gepostet von
Martin Schwegmann
10:45 AM
Labels: article, Berlin, prinzessinnengärten, publications
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
From Sulukule to Kreuzberg
„Von Sulukule nach Kreuzberg: Vertreibung in Istanbul – Umstrukturierung in Berlin.Wenn die Stadtentwicklung profitgierige Wirtschaftsinteressen und Vertreibung heißt, dann…“
with the kind support of KOTTI, Verdi, IG Metall and sponsering of Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung.
Gepostet von
Martin Schwegmann
11:03 AM
Labels: Berlin, gecekondu, gentrification, Istanbul, lectures, Sulukule